Laser-based Air Data and Navigation Sensors
Improving Safety: Unspoofable and unjammable laser-based navigation.
The next generation alternative to GPS navigation
Dead reckoning sensor — ground speed and ground track
Height above ground — replaces radar altimeter for terrain following
Product: LandSafe® Precision Flight Instrumentation System. Learn more.

Relative Winds
3-D WIND Vector — Improving Performance, true air data for next generation aircraft
0 knots through hypersonic, full 360, full flight envelope
​Measures outside aircraft influence
Measures true airspeed, true angle of attack, true angle of sideslip
Turbulence and gusts
​Fully motion compensated​

Winds Aloft
At altitudes above and below the aircraft flight level
Optimizing cruise altitudes for ground speed and turbulence --> fuel savings
Precision cargo delivery
Learn more about Laser Doppler Velocimetry Navigation (LDVNAV )

Enabling Tech for:
Lowering stall reference speed to shorten take-off and/ or landing distances, increase payload, and decrease engine thrust required (extend engine lifetime)
Supersonic/hypersonic maneuverability
Sonic boom control
Slope detection for landing on unlevel surfaces or moving platforms
High rate of descent helicopter and VTOL/EVTOL operations in urban environments
Low airspeed operations
High angle of attack operations
Wind shear, wake turbulence, and clear air turbulence mitigation
Active gust load alleviation
Helicopter and drone operations in high-wind conditions
GPS-deprived environments (military and civil)
Operations in low and no-visibility environments.